Old School Politics Cost the Democrats the Election

Good-bye and good riddance to the idea of another Clinton presidency!

The Democratic Party is as corrupt and undependable as the Republican Party. This year we had to choose between the lesser of two evils. I know some people who decided not to vote because they couldn't support either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Trump will be a disaster for this country but I can't see how Clinton would have been any better. Both candidates are divisive people. The Democrats had a chance to back Bernie Sanders but their superdelegates decided it was "Hillary's turn".

Who decided that hanging around the White House for 20 years automatically awards you the privilege of being elected President? Obviously the will of the American voters doesn't mean anything to either of these parties. The Republicans already proved they are shamelessly in violation of constitutional law by not voting on Merrick Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court. Now they have proved they have no moral credentials because they backed Donald Trump.

America lost the election when Bernie Sanders was rejected by the Democratic Party superdelegates. They lied when they said he didn't have the delegates to carry the nomination. Hillary would not have won if the superdelegates had turned their backs on old party politics and voted for Sanders' new ideas. He would have killed Donald Trump in the election.

The Republicans showed their asses to the American electorate when they didn't shut down Donald Trump for being such a fascist asshole. They proved that American conservative politics is more about believing in Adolf Hitler than about being the country that defeated him. They should have disqualified him from the start.

There were no political parties when the U.S. constitution was written. The founding fathers should have outlawed political organizations. Ever since the first parties formed they have plotted and connived to make laws that favor their own collective interests. Our elected representatives have become minor kings and despots. They serve no one but themselves or their political organizations.

We need to form grass roots organizations that hold elected officials accountable for their irresponsible decisions in office. We need to reinvigorate our election process with real alternatives to the two main political parties, so that whoever is elected to office understands and accepts the sacred responsibility to represent all citizens' interests and not just their own political organizations.

The Mitch McConnells in Congress need to be shown the door. The Chuck Schumers and Nancy Pelosis need to be thrown out. We need to start over with a government that honestly puts the interests of citizens first, ahead of the political action committees, corporate lobbyists, and other special interest groups.

The constitution has been stolen from the American citizens. How many more elections do we have to watch tumble into the toilet before people wake up and realize they don't have to vote for these idiots?