These are the articles I have published in 2019.

The Dark Dirty Secret of Microinvesting

If you haven't yet learned about microinvesting you should check it out. But beware of apps that charge you money. Investing in the stock market is already risky. Why pay fees if you don't need to? Microinvesting consists of depositing small amounts of money into an investing account. That's the short explanation but there's a little more to it. Depending on which microinvesting tool you use you may get to decide where the money is invested. There are some pros and cons to microinvesting.

Wish I Had Known about Tiny Budgeting Years Ago

I've read my share of financial advice books. They all tell you to "set up a monthly budget". I know how to do a budget. What I always want to know is how to make my dollars stretch farther. Finally, after years of reading stupid lists of "ways to save money" I've found something that makes a lot of sense. It's called Tiny Budgeting and it's a way for anyone of any income level to take small but meticulous steps toward controlling their finances.

The Small Investor's Dilemma

I've been following the economic news closely for several months. I think can sum it up succinctly like this: the RETAIL APOCALYPSE is here, hey lots of jobs, We're all doomed to recession!, hey lots of jobs, these jobs suck they don't pay anything, we just passed $15/hour minimum wage, what happened to the jobs?, oh, jobs. Have I missed anything? The economy has never looked like this. And no one knows how to understand it.