These are the articles I wrote in 2015.

Perseverance Is Critical to Your Long-Term Success

You have about 50 years of working life, from 18 to 68, by today's standards.  In those 50 years you may find yourself working 2 or maybe 3 careers.  A single college education is probably not enough to get you through your working life but our social system is not set up to re-educate older workers and provide them with opportunities.  By the time you hit your 40s you need to have a backup plan because society is ready to hand new opportunities to younger workers.

We Need to Elect Bernie Sanders President of the US

If anyone still thinks Hillary Clinton is a viable candidate they need to have their heads checked.  Her candidacy is a clear indicator of what we can expect throughout her Presidency: scandal, congressionl investigation, bad decision-making, and lots of apologies.  I cannot think of a more unappealing candidate for President than Hillary Clinton.  She has done nothing but mock American values and steal ideas from her political rival, Bernie Sanders.  So why don't we just support the source of the good ideas?

How One Man's Career Changed the Way You Travel

A major change in hospitality and airline travel was kicked off by Nicholas Bredimus, who led assisted these industries through software to create new systems that saved everyone time and money.  To say that Nicholas Bredimus changed the world is too extravagant, but he certainly changed world travel.

Imagine That! A Google Economist Who Does Not Understand Economics!

When you study economics, there is one thing that all the courses drive home: in order for an economy to exist, people have to be exchanging goods and services.  That is what economics is all about.  You can talk about macroeconomics, microeconomics, price elasticity, too many dollars chasing too few goods, but at the heart of it all is people: people working at jobs, using their salaries to buy goods and services from each other.  Google economist Hal Varian doesn't get that.

Money Saving Ideas That are Often Overlooked

Saving money is the first step to financial success.  It won't do you much good to increase how much money you make if you are not actually saving it.  And to that end I wanted to look at some Websites that actually teach people how to save money, and not just talk about how important it is.  So let's get started.

Have An Idea for a Book? Here Is How to Make Money with It

One of the great American dreams is to become a best-selling novelist and make millions of dollars.  What really happens for most published authors is that they barely eek out a living from their books, and most of them are just part-time writers who have to live off savings or write at night while they work their day jobs.  But there is some satisfaction to be gained from writing words that other people want to read.

3 Ideas for Making Money with Minimal Effort

"It takes money to make money".  That is what my Uncle Dave always said when I was a kid.  Mom used to tease him about saying that only because he never had any money.  Dave was a good guy but he liked to drink and gamble a little too much for Mom's taste.  She loved her older brother but she always said, "Never lend money to Uncle Dave because you won't get it back."  Now, before you start thinking I come from a dysfunctional family, let me get to the point: Uncle Dave was right.  It does take money to make money.

How To Include Gambling In Your Monthly Budget

Short of using a time machine to go back and tell yourself not to bet on that pair of aces or to get up and walk out of the casino before you spend another $1000 on the slot machines, is it really possible to include gambling in your entertainment budget without going broke?  I have thought about this many time through the years because I have watched people take their rent money and lose it on slots and card tables.  It's a sad situation and you feel really bad for those people, but you have to let them live with the consequences of their choices.

How Much Money Have You Made In the Stock Market?

I have been buying shares of stock for the past 15 years.  I can't seem to find a winner.  I own an insurance stock and an oil company stock right now.  Neither one of them is worth much.

Do You Like Your Bank or Hate It?

There are days when I love my bank and days when I hate it.  I love my bank when it fixes a problem I have with my card, like when I am double-charged.  And there are days when I hate my bank for charging me outrageous fees.