We Need to Elect Bernie Sanders President of the US

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is a better choice than Hillary Clinton

If anyone still thinks Hillary Clinton is a viable candidate they need to have their heads checked.  Her candidacy is a clear indicator of what we can expect throughout her Presidency: scandal, congressionl investigation, bad decision-making, and lots of apologies.  I cannot think of a more unappealing candidate for President than Hillary Clinton.  She has done nothing but mock American values and steal ideas from her political rival, Bernie Sanders.  So why don't we just support the source of the good ideas?

I have heard all the complaints about Bernie Sanders but they leave me laughing.  Do people seriously think his idea of Democratic Socialism has anything at all to do with Communism?  You should take yourself out of all political discussion for ten years for arguing against Sanders on the basis of that nonsense.  You obviously don't know what you are talking about.

Socialism was first proposed in the 19th century as a way of ensuring that democracies would never face recession or have an unfair division of wealth between social classes.  But the Soviet Union and Communist China proved that even under state-controlled societies you'll have recessions (or complete economic failure) and class divisions.

Democratic Socialists have distanced themselves from the idea of the state owning everything.  They have seen that states cannot control economies.  But what national governments are good at is creating and providing safety nets for lower classes.  Can you imagine a bunch of Libertarians creating programs that ensure poor families won't go hungry?  It will never happen!

Bernie Sanders wants to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, and economists say that will create a lot of opportunity for everyone.  And very wealthy Americans support raising taxes on the wealthy, too.  The only people who don't want to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans are the Republicans and Libertarians, and they have yet to explain why they are so out-of-step with the demographic they are trying to protect.

The economy does better when we raise taxes.  History shows us that is just the way things work.  But to hear conservatives talk, if we lower taxes and reduce government services the Magic Job Fairy will come along, wave her wand, and create millions of high-paying jobs.  That sad strategy has never worked.

What does work is making it easier for Americans to invest in American companies.  Now the corporate tax system is set up so crazy that our largest companies hide tens of billions of dollars overseas where they cannot be put to work creating American jobs.  Republicans don't want to change this but Democrats do.

It is impossible to think like a conservative in this country without saying or doing something stupid.  The Democrats may not have all the answers we need but with better leadership they'll be able to fix some of the problems that Washington's annual gridlock has created.  Bernie Sanders looks like he is far less toxic than Hillary Clinton.

Republicans just absolutely hate Hillary Clinton and they will do everything they can to stop her.  But they have almost nothing to say about Bernie Sanders.  That is because the conservatives don't know how to respond to well-reasoned arguments.  They just keep focusing on Hillary's bad decision-making skills.

I say we should support Bernie because he is a voice of reason singing quietly in a stormy sea of idiots.  None of the Republicans look like they know how to solve a Tic Tac Toe game.  I sure don't want to trust them with our Presidency.